sweet dream Macrodose Mushroom Chocolate

sweet dream Macrodose Mushroom Chocolate


Staycation Chocolate Bar

Staycation Chocolate Bar

Stem+Cap Lion’s Mane Mushroom Chocolate Bar


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Stem+Cap Lion’s Mane Functional Mushroom Chocolate Bar

Stem+Cap Lion’s chocolate uses an above the standard chocolate blend infused with mushroom extracts made from fruit bodies only, using those stems and caps to help your stem and cap 😉 Our Lion’s Mane Chocolate doses you with just enough of this powerful nootropic to elevate the chocolate lover’s experience overall. Chocolate is mind stimulating on its own, so we decided to pump that up a notch with some neurogenic lions mane.

Trip Report

Ingested 2 grams

“My carpet was swaying and breathing and waving. could see these waves rise up in the carpet and flow out. I barely made my way to my bed and put my playlist on spotify. laid on my bed with my headphones and closed my eyes. let the music take me through these rooms of bright colors and architecture. Each sound created a color and space and feeling. I was understanding the story of each song and why the artist made it. some times it would just be a beat and black and white and the synthesizers would create rainbows and fill the room. It was really beautiful.”

Using the Magic Mushroom Chocolate Bar Recreationally

Our Milk Chocolate Bar was made with the recreational experience in mind. These fantastic chocolate bars will be the perfect companion to a day out or a relaxing time inside.

Taking a dose of our Milk Chocolate Bar is perfect for a hike or a day at the beach. You’ll feel energetic, stimulated, and be in pure awe of the beauty surrounding you.

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Stem+Cap Lion’s chocolate bars

also feel completely in tune with nature and on the same wavelength with the people around you. You’ll find it difficult to stop laughing since our chocolate bars deliver pure joy.

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Spending a day inside is equally as fun. You’ll feel focused and creative with anything you set your mind to.

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Pack of 5, Pack of 10, Pack of 15, Pack of 20, Pack of 25


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